Ceva is running financial literacy program in remote areas for tribal people. Around 6000 tribal people have opened their bank accounts under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna with the support of Ceva. We are creating an awareness and understanding of the importance of being financially literate and equip them with tools to take independent financial decisions. People are taught to differentiate between “needs” and “wants” to negotiate their debt and understand the mechanics of loans, EMI component and the use of bank account facility such as ATMs, cheque books etc. Financial literacy builds capacities to make decisions and take responsibility for those decisions. It also increases their economic space. Through the financial inclusion these tribal people are now no more the victim of cheating and use their financial resources more effectively.
Awareness and financial knowledge has been imparted through Nukkad nataks, dramas and skits in local dialect, flipcharts, financial diaries which are pictorial and colorful. These financial diaries help them to track their income and expenses. Through these efforts self esteem and confidence of tribal people have increased. Before the initiation of FLAP in the area, tribal people didn’t even know the roles of bank in their life but after their inclusion they feel safer regarding the finances.